Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fish amino acid uses for roof top garden

Image result for fish amino acid

The fish amino acid is  (FAA) is made of fish or fish  scraps. This liquid add great value to the
growth of plants and microorganisms .it contains abundant amount of nutrients and various types
of amino acids which constitute source of Nitrogen (N) for plants.It is observed directly by plants
and it stimulates the activity of microorganisms.
For terrace  or balcony Garden we can prepare Fish amino acid in home. The requirement for FAA 
as follows
1.Clay pot or Plastic container or glass jar {air tight}
2.Fish trash like head, bone, intestine..etc
3.Jagerry or country sugar

1.Cut fish trashes into small pieces. preferably black or blue colored fish as they contain more
amino acids
2.Add jaggery to the fish scraps in 1:1 ratio
3.Fill above said mixture to 2/3 of container and rest with water
4.Add two or three well ripe bananas
5.Store the mixture out of sunlight
6.Shake the liquid once or twice in a day
7.Keep the liquid for 15 to 20 days
8.After 20 days extract the liquid and store in a place where temp rages from 23 deg C to 27 deg C.

Use: Use  the extracted liquid for crops.Dilute FAA with water and spray both sides of leaves and near root for better nourishment. FAA is rich in Nitrogen, Potassium and Prosperous(NPK factor) .It is especially valuable  fertilizer for soil where enough humus to soil not available. .For leafy vegetable  continuously use the FAA for high yield, taste and fragrance. 
It is simple way preparing and  using for terrace Gardening and you will get good yield from the plants.   

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Panchagavyam Plant Growth Stimulant Panchgavya Stimulator Panchakavya

Panchagavya is a product of cow mixture  used in traditional Hindu  rituals  for the past 2000 years.But recently we started using as agricultural organic fertilizer for the past two decades. 
People nowadays become  well aware of  use of this mixture for multipurpose.
Principally  panchagavya is mixture of five ingredients of cow. Namely
1. Cow dung
2. Cow urine
3. Cow ghee
4. Cow milk
5. Curd of cow milk.
In addition to the above ingredients the following ingredients are  added for higher rate of yeast production and odor controlling.
1. Jaggery
2. Tender coconut
3. Banana & water

Preparation of panchagavya: eg For one acre of agricultural farm
Take a bucket or wooden vessel or mud pot. Take five kg of cow dung and one kg of Cow ghee.
Mix them with bare hand and remove the undigested substances from cow dung like hay..etc.
Keep the mix for 72 hours .
After above said period add three liters of Cow urine, two kg of cow milk,  two kg  of curd which
made out of cow milk, One kg of banana , two kg of jaggery  and three liters of tender coconut and
little water. Now mix the mixture with wooden stick and cover the vessel. Regular mixing is
required in the morning and evening times. Keep the mixture for 15 days and after 15 days 
the required Panchagavya  is ready for use.
Uses: Add the water to panchagavya with the ratio of 3:100 and spray on the plants in the farm
For best results apply  regularly once in every 14 days. In rainy season the ration of panchagavya and water may be reduced. Say ratio 1.5:100.
The  Panchagavya is a complete organic product.It plays very important role plant growth and Immunity in plant system. It is also good natural pesticide. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Daily Dump Compost Speedup Microbes Powder (1 Kg, White)

  • Color: White
  • Package Contents: 1-Piece Compost Speedup Microbes Powder (1kg)
  • Accelerates composting of all kitchen, garden and other organic waste;Contains a culture of cellulolytic and lignolytic micro organisms;Helps in controlling fungus and black spots on plants and plant leaves;Reduces the growth of soil pathogens and unwanted weeds;100 percent natural and safe product

Monday, July 8, 2019

How to compost kitchen waste in our home or garden

It is preferable to pile compost on the earth Because this allows  worms and other organisms
accelerate the process of the pile. Dig a pit few inches deep and add compost
material dry and moist alternatively in layers.
The dry  materials are leaves, straw,sawdust,wood ashes,papers..ets. These dry materials
are rich in carbon. The moist materials are food wastes, tea bags, vegetables, sea weeds..etc.
These moist material are rich in nitrogen.
Add manure, green manure such as clover,wheat grass, grass clipping or any nitrogen source
which accelerate the compost pile and speed the process.
Keep compost moist by watering it occasionally
Cover the compost pile with the plastic sheeting, carpet scraps or wood. Covering helps to retain
the heat and moisture which are essential for compost.
Mix or turn the pile by either shovel or pitchfork. This aerates the pile. By turning  or mixing
adds oxygen. Now the compost pile ready for use.
Carbon and Nitrogen in  ratio is secret of healthy compost pile.The carbon ration should be
more than Nitrogen.
The main agents of carbon are branches, stems,dries leaves, peels,wood dusts,saw dust,  brown
papers,egg shells, corn stalks,  wood ash..etc
The main agents of Nitrogen are manures, food scrapes,, green leaves,tea leaves,Fruit and
vegetable scrapes,flowers..etc.

This can also be done using compost bin,which is readily available. 

Daily Dump Khamba - 3 Tier Large Terracotta Home Composter

  • Each Terracotta Composter is Handmade by Indian Potters.
  • Ideal for a Family of 3 to 4 generating upto 1Kg/Day of Organic Waste.
  • Convert Kitchen & Organic Waste to compost in 4-6 Weeks
  • Contains No Plastic or any Toxic Elements
  • Contents - 3 Terracotta Bowls, 1 Terracotta Lid and 1 Free Khamba composting Boo

SAMPOORN HOME COMPOSTER- A PRODUCT OF SAMPOORN ZERO WASTE PRIVATE LIMITED is an Aerobic Composting Kit for 3 to 6 Family Members(Two 35 litres Compost Bins with Accessories)

  • Value for Money, No set up required, easy to lift, Each Composter is just 1.7 kg
  • Material : Plastic (High-Density Polyethylene(HDPE)) is a great quality of plastic which has high longevity.
  • The Kit Includes Two Compost Bins (35 L each), 2 Strains, 2 Taps ,One Rake, 2 kgs of Accelerator and User Instruction Sheet
  • Dimensions of each Compost Bin - Length - 28 cm , Breadth - 28 cm , Height - 54.6 cm
  • Ideal for 3-6 family members, Sampoorn Home Composter converts all kinds of kitchen food waste into compost

Saturday, July 6, 2019



Earth worms are the heroes of organic farming. The vermicompost is the excreta of earth worms.All the types of earth worms are not used for making vermicompost. there are specific two types of
warms extensively used for the vermicompost.
  • One is African earth worms or Red wigglers (Elsenic foetide)
  • The second type is Japanese earth worms or red earth worms (Lumbricus rebullus)

The African one has more advantage than the Japanese worms because it produces higher
 production of vermicompost in short time.

The requirement for making vermicompost are

  • The worms
  • Agricultural wastes like decayed manure
  • Cow dungs and bio gas collier waste
  • processed mixture of cow dung, cow urine and jaggery

Preparation of bedding
Need a wooden box or plastic bucket or  any container with a hole in the bottom.Preferably the size 10"x 5" (depth 5").At the bottom of container   keep saw dust or husk or coir waste or sugar cane thrash .Make  layers in the container as follows
  • First layer with the stone
  • Second layer agricultural waste or decayed manure
  • Third layer  of cow dungs and the  excretion waste of animal like goat,cow..etc in a powdered form
  • Spread liquid mixture, comprise of cow urine (Komiyam) ,cow dungs with the country sugar
  •  mixed

Keep the layer for fifteen days.Then form five layers (2,3, & 4) with the interval of 15 days. Then put the worms  in the layers.  We will get the vermicompost  after 30 days. From then on we can take vermicompost every week.
Regularly add the  bio gas wastes, the mixture of komiyam(cow urine),decayed manure for improving the quantity of worms  .
Vermicompost is the balanced food for plants. It contains 23 types of nutrients  which require for plant growth.
Advantages of vermicompost are:

  • Rich in all plant nutrients
  • Excellent effort on plant growth
  • Free flowing ,easy to apply, handle and store
  • No bad odor
  • Its a natural pesticide.
  • necessary for roof top garden,which controls weed growth