Thursday, July 11, 2019


Panchagavyam Plant Growth Stimulant Panchgavya Stimulator Panchakavya

Panchagavya is a product of cow mixture  used in traditional Hindu  rituals  for the past 2000 years.But recently we started using as agricultural organic fertilizer for the past two decades. 
People nowadays become  well aware of  use of this mixture for multipurpose.
Principally  panchagavya is mixture of five ingredients of cow. Namely
1. Cow dung
2. Cow urine
3. Cow ghee
4. Cow milk
5. Curd of cow milk.
In addition to the above ingredients the following ingredients are  added for higher rate of yeast production and odor controlling.
1. Jaggery
2. Tender coconut
3. Banana & water

Preparation of panchagavya: eg For one acre of agricultural farm
Take a bucket or wooden vessel or mud pot. Take five kg of cow dung and one kg of Cow ghee.
Mix them with bare hand and remove the undigested substances from cow dung like hay..etc.
Keep the mix for 72 hours .
After above said period add three liters of Cow urine, two kg of cow milk,  two kg  of curd which
made out of cow milk, One kg of banana , two kg of jaggery  and three liters of tender coconut and
little water. Now mix the mixture with wooden stick and cover the vessel. Regular mixing is
required in the morning and evening times. Keep the mixture for 15 days and after 15 days 
the required Panchagavya  is ready for use.
Uses: Add the water to panchagavya with the ratio of 3:100 and spray on the plants in the farm
For best results apply  regularly once in every 14 days. In rainy season the ration of panchagavya and water may be reduced. Say ratio 1.5:100.
The  Panchagavya is a complete organic product.It plays very important role plant growth and Immunity in plant system. It is also good natural pesticide. 

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