Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fish amino acid uses for roof top garden

Image result for fish amino acid

The fish amino acid is  (FAA) is made of fish or fish  scraps. This liquid add great value to the
growth of plants and microorganisms .it contains abundant amount of nutrients and various types
of amino acids which constitute source of Nitrogen (N) for plants.It is observed directly by plants
and it stimulates the activity of microorganisms.
For terrace  or balcony Garden we can prepare Fish amino acid in home. The requirement for FAA 
as follows
1.Clay pot or Plastic container or glass jar {air tight}
2.Fish trash like head, bone, intestine..etc
3.Jagerry or country sugar

1.Cut fish trashes into small pieces. preferably black or blue colored fish as they contain more
amino acids
2.Add jaggery to the fish scraps in 1:1 ratio
3.Fill above said mixture to 2/3 of container and rest with water
4.Add two or three well ripe bananas
5.Store the mixture out of sunlight
6.Shake the liquid once or twice in a day
7.Keep the liquid for 15 to 20 days
8.After 20 days extract the liquid and store in a place where temp rages from 23 deg C to 27 deg C.

Use: Use  the extracted liquid for crops.Dilute FAA with water and spray both sides of leaves and near root for better nourishment. FAA is rich in Nitrogen, Potassium and Prosperous(NPK factor) .It is especially valuable  fertilizer for soil where enough humus to soil not available. .For leafy vegetable  continuously use the FAA for high yield, taste and fragrance. 
It is simple way preparing and  using for terrace Gardening and you will get good yield from the plants.   

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