Saturday, July 6, 2019



Earth worms are the heroes of organic farming. The vermicompost is the excreta of earth worms.All the types of earth worms are not used for making vermicompost. there are specific two types of
warms extensively used for the vermicompost.
  • One is African earth worms or Red wigglers (Elsenic foetide)
  • The second type is Japanese earth worms or red earth worms (Lumbricus rebullus)

The African one has more advantage than the Japanese worms because it produces higher
 production of vermicompost in short time.

The requirement for making vermicompost are

  • The worms
  • Agricultural wastes like decayed manure
  • Cow dungs and bio gas collier waste
  • processed mixture of cow dung, cow urine and jaggery

Preparation of bedding
Need a wooden box or plastic bucket or  any container with a hole in the bottom.Preferably the size 10"x 5" (depth 5").At the bottom of container   keep saw dust or husk or coir waste or sugar cane thrash .Make  layers in the container as follows
  • First layer with the stone
  • Second layer agricultural waste or decayed manure
  • Third layer  of cow dungs and the  excretion waste of animal like goat,cow..etc in a powdered form
  • Spread liquid mixture, comprise of cow urine (Komiyam) ,cow dungs with the country sugar
  •  mixed

Keep the layer for fifteen days.Then form five layers (2,3, & 4) with the interval of 15 days. Then put the worms  in the layers.  We will get the vermicompost  after 30 days. From then on we can take vermicompost every week.
Regularly add the  bio gas wastes, the mixture of komiyam(cow urine),decayed manure for improving the quantity of worms  .
Vermicompost is the balanced food for plants. It contains 23 types of nutrients  which require for plant growth.
Advantages of vermicompost are:

  • Rich in all plant nutrients
  • Excellent effort on plant growth
  • Free flowing ,easy to apply, handle and store
  • No bad odor
  • Its a natural pesticide.
  • necessary for roof top garden,which controls weed growth


1 comment:

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