Monday, July 8, 2019

How to compost kitchen waste in our home or garden

It is preferable to pile compost on the earth Because this allows  worms and other organisms
accelerate the process of the pile. Dig a pit few inches deep and add compost
material dry and moist alternatively in layers.
The dry  materials are leaves, straw,sawdust,wood ashes,papers..ets. These dry materials
are rich in carbon. The moist materials are food wastes, tea bags, vegetables, sea weeds..etc.
These moist material are rich in nitrogen.
Add manure, green manure such as clover,wheat grass, grass clipping or any nitrogen source
which accelerate the compost pile and speed the process.
Keep compost moist by watering it occasionally
Cover the compost pile with the plastic sheeting, carpet scraps or wood. Covering helps to retain
the heat and moisture which are essential for compost.
Mix or turn the pile by either shovel or pitchfork. This aerates the pile. By turning  or mixing
adds oxygen. Now the compost pile ready for use.
Carbon and Nitrogen in  ratio is secret of healthy compost pile.The carbon ration should be
more than Nitrogen.
The main agents of carbon are branches, stems,dries leaves, peels,wood dusts,saw dust,  brown
papers,egg shells, corn stalks,  wood ash..etc
The main agents of Nitrogen are manures, food scrapes,, green leaves,tea leaves,Fruit and
vegetable scrapes,flowers..etc.

This can also be done using compost bin,which is readily available. 

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