Wednesday, June 26, 2019

                                       INDIGO (avuri) 

  • Its scientific name is indigofera. It commonly found in tropical region.
  • Indigofera  tinctoria is  called true indigo. Its original source of indigo dye.
  • Indigo is natural  dye extracted from indigo plant and its color is blue.
  • Indigo leaves : Most natural indigo dye is obtained from indigo leaves.
  • The indigo crop could be grown on land where  the land  not suited for  in the tropical region.agriculture due to lack of water.
  • Primarily the indigo used for HAIR DYE. It is very much safe for use as it derived from a plant
  • and so chemical free. INDIGO LEAF POWDER  is an  alternative to hair dye for all and mostly
  • the people who are sensitive and allergic to chemical hair dyes.Regular use of indigo on hair can  prevent premature graying.Indigo hair oil simulates new hair growth and prevents scalp infections.
TIPS: When used with henna powder it gives your hair a rich brown color.  When applied over henna treated hair ,it gives a lush black color dark brown to shiny black hair

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