Monday, June 24, 2019




It's scientific name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It is commonly grow in the sub-tropical and tropical region  throughout the world.
The flowers and leaves of hibiscus extensively used by people for various reasons.It also considered as  natural medicine for  curing various  diseases.

1.It lowers cholesterol
2.Prevents liver damage
3.Helps in relieving menstrual pain
4.Helps in managing blood pressure
5.It has anti-bacterial properties
6..It has anti-depressant properties
7.It helps to loose weight
8.It helps in preventing cancer
9.Helps in improving digestion
10.It has anti aging  properties
11.It helps in hair growth and hair conditioner


Apart from medical application  the flower used in number of cosmetic products.
from ancient times people use the leaves and flowers for hair wash. It acts as a good natural hair conditioner. smoothens and nourishes hair naturally.

TIPS: For weight loss and increasing hemoglobin
Take  one and half cup of water
Take small piece of ginger
Take four to five leaves of mint and two hibiscus flower and  half  tea spoon of green tea
Preparation : Boil the water 5 to 10 minutes and add  mint leaves , ginger ,green tea and add two tea spoon of   country sugar.Put two flowers of hibiscus and seal off the vessel.  After five minutes consume  the prepared drink and make the habit of this drink every day.

leaves and flowers are available in powder form in WAFIQAH EXPORTS


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