Friday, June 14, 2019

Bibhitaki (terminalia bellirica) in tamil thandrikkai

                 (Terminalia bellirica)

  • Terminalia bellirica is a large tree that commonly grows in southeast Asia.
  • Bibhitaki also known as baheda in Hindi, is derived from the Sanskrit term Vibheetaki which means lack of fear.
  • This potent herbal remedy has a variety of uses and may help treat a wide range of medical issues.
  • Bibhitaki in ayurvedic medicine, where the fruit of the  tree is used as a treatment for common aliments like bacterial and viral infection.
  • Bibhitaki has anti inflammatory properties.
  • Bibhitaki is one of the ingredients of triphala powder.
  • Bibhitaki is very useful for hair,throat and eye related problems.
  • It is act as an immunity booster.
  • Terminalia bellirica oil made from the fruit  is a well known hair tonic and also prevents premature greying.
  • It's, available in forms including oil and powder.


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