Tuesday, June 25, 2019

flax seed: Scientific name linumus usitatissimum

                         Flax seed: Scientific name linumus usitatissimum

        It is fiber plant commonly cultivated in the cooler region. Flax seed was cultivated in Babylon as early as 300 BC..It is one of the most powerful plants food on the planet.
        As it is rich in OMEGA 3 and Omega 6 it is as good as fish food. It is becoming one of  an imminent  foods in every house because of its rich healthy qualities.It contains good amount of bio active  protein, fiber, alpha omega, fatty acids and some vitamins and  minerals.
        Although flax seed contains all sort of healthy components , it owes its primary health reputation to three of them
  • Omega-3 essential fatty acids- It contains good fats  which keep the heart healthy
  • Lignans which have both estrogen and antioxidant qualities.
  • Fiber-  Flax seed contain both the soluble and insoluble types. 
Eating flaxseed daily may help your cholesterol  level which subsequently control the heart diseases,  obesity,diabetes, cardio vascular disease and metabolic syndrome.Because of richness in lignams  it protects the elderly people from chronic knee pain. .Regular intake  of this flax seed improve the brain growth and memory power. It is a good antibiotic.
Recommended dose : Daily 2 or 3 tea spoon. 
Preparation :Grind the seed as and when required . Not to grind and keep the seed flour  for long time. It is better to take with buttermilk.

TIPS :Flax seed also can be used for external use.It good for hair growth and hair nourishment.Dry the seed and grind it. Then mix with the curd and use the mixture as hair pack . Other way boil the flax seed with water and filter it. Add some jelly with filtered flax seed  and soak the hair and rinse it every week. The hair look very healthy and shiny.

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