Saturday, June 22, 2019

Black cumin seeds ( nigella sativa) in Tamil Karunjeeragam

                                        Black cumin seeds (Nigela sativa )

Black Cumin Seed is a plant commonly seen in South East Asia.
People have used the seed to make medicine for over 200 years.It has very old history. Valuable hint about this seed found in the tomb of King Tut, Egypt Civilization

This seed used in AYURVEDA as well as UNANI   medicine.In most religious books in the ancient times the value of seeds referred
The medicinal value of this seeds are administrated for all the diseases except for DEATH. It is such a wonderful natural medicine.

Nowadays the seed used for the following diseases
1. Asthma
2. Diabetes
3. Hypertension
4. Digestive disorder
5. Immune system
6. It reduces inflammation and fight infection
7. It has anti oxidant property
8. Effective in weight loss 
9. Hair Growth

It is rich in IRON and CALCIUM
It is available as oil( named KALONJI) and whole seed 
Kalonji, the cummins seed oil is effective medicine for Hair Growth and Baldness

TIPS: For effective weight loss without side effects roast the seeds of cummins, fenugreek and oregano, make them into powder and consume 1 tea spoon of  prepared mixture along with butter milk every day.

Warning: Not safe for Pregnant women and Children  

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